Heritage and Restoration
- Category : SERVICE
With significant expertise in heritage restoration, our designers are skilled in the art of melding past and present design for future living. At Construct AU, we believe in the importance of preserving the past through sustainable conservation and renovation of heritage architecture, allowing it to be enjoyed for generations to come.
Whilst we embrace new directions in architecture, Construct AU recognises the distinct values in heritage design. We rise to the range of design challenges presented by heritage projects: restoring a façade to its former glory, blending old and new, maintaining the essence of the past while enhancing modern living, or pushing creative boundaries to reimagine the historical in novel ways.
Ultimately, we encourage conservation of historic features and paying tribute to our pioneers. Alterations and extensions are carefully designed to harmonise with any existing structure to form a holistic, beautiful design.
“We have all been inspired in our careers with historic designs, designs that show how far we’ve come since our predecessors, and that is a motivation for all of us to carry architecture even further. This is why we believe in the immense importance of heritage architecture as a constant reminder and inspiration for future generations.”